Written Work
- American Lifeguard Magazine, Editor (2017 - present)
- Estimations of Rip Current Rescues and Drowning in the United States, Primary Author. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19(2):389-397 February 2019
- Open Water Lifesaving – The United States Lifesaving Association Manual, Editor (2017)
- The Science of Beach Lifeguarding, Chapter Author - The History of Beach Lifeguarding. M. Tipton and Adam Wooler (eds.), CRC Press 2015
- Drowning: Prevention, Rescue, Treatment, Chapter Co-Author - Legal Claims in Drowning Cases. J. Bierens (ed.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
- Drowning: Prevention, Rescue, Treatment, Chapter Author - Lifesaving Organisations: Paid or Volunteers. J. Bierens (ed.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
- Comment on Rip Current Related Drowning Deaths and Rescues in Australia 2004–2011 (Co-Author), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2203-2204, 2014
- The YMCA Lifeguard Manual (2011) – Reviewer and Contributing Editor, On the Guard
- Contributor, International Task Force on Open Water Drowning Prevention (2011)
- Elevating Research Standards, International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 5(4), 376 (November 2011)
- Rip Current Misunderstandings, Natural Hazards, 55(2), 161-162 (November 2010)
- Co-Author, Aquatic Safety Assessment & Recommendations for Brevard County, Florida (March 2008)
- Co-Author, Aquatic Safety Assessment & Recommendations for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (February 2008)
- Contributor, Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments, World Health Organization (2006)
- Contributor, Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments, Volume 2, Swimming Pools and Similar Environments, World Health Organization (2006)
- Contributor, Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, Schwartz (Ed.), Springer (2005)
- Editor, Open Water Lifesaving – The United States Lifesaving Association Manual (2003)
- Primary Author, Warning Flags, a Position Statement of the United States Lifesaving Association (2002)
- Primary Author, Shark Bite Prevention and Response, a Position Statement of the United Sates Lifesaving Association (2002)
- Lifeguard Effectiveness – A Report of a Working Group, Contributor. Branch, CM, Stewart S. (Eds.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (2001)
- Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments, Volume 1, Coastal and Fresh Waters, Contributor. World Health Organization (2003)
- California Boating Safety Act of 1999 (Assembly Bill 1287), Author
- The United States Lifesaving Association Manual of Open Water Lifesaving, Editor (1995)
- Guidelines for Open Water Lifeguard Training and Standards, Editor (1993)
- Guidelines for Training and Standards of Aquatic Rescue Response Teams, Editor (1996)
- International Medical-Rescue Conference Proceedings, International Life Saving Federation, Editor (1997)
- United States Lifesaving Association Website (usla.org), Editor. (1997 – 2004)
- International Life Saving Federation World Wide Web Site (ilsf.org), Editor. (1999 – 2004)
- Better Beaches - Management of Safe and Enjoyable Swimming Beaches, Contributing Author. Griffiths (Ed.) (1999)
- You're the Lifeguard, televised public service announcement, Author and Narrator. (1996, 2000)
- US Lifesaving Magazine, Managing Editor. (1982 - 1983)
- Articles and Letters, New York Newsday, Aquatics International, Emergency Magazine, Fire Rescue, American Lifeguard Magazine, and others